This is a comprehensive list of keys and their possible values for the Revel app.conf file. See general information for an overview on how to use the app.conf file.


Option Default Description   Link to use for errors when building
harness.port 0 The default port used by the harness
watch.mode normal Valid values normal, eager if eager application is rebuilt immediately when a source file is changed (instead of waiting for a new request)
watch.gopath false Watch GOPAth for changes
watch true Watch files for changes
watch.code true Watch source code for changes

Core application

Option Default Description
app.behind.proxy `` True if behind a proxy `` The name of the application
app.root `` The application root
app.secret `` The secret hashing key
build.tags   Any build tags for the cmd tool
cache.hosts `` The name of the (redis) host to provide caching
cache.memcached false True if cache should be in memory
cache.redis false True if cache should be in redis
cache.redis.maxidle 10 The max idle time
cache.redis.maxactive 0 The max active time
cache.redis.password `` The password of the redis cache server
cache.redis.protocol tcp The protocol of the redis cache server
cache.redis.timeout.connect 10000 The max time to connect in ms 5000 The max time to read in ms
cache.redis.timeout.write 5000 The max time to write in ms
cookie.domain `` The domain of the cookie
cookie.prefix `` The name of the cookie prefix http.ssl True if secure cookie "2006-01-02" The default format of date
format.datetime "2006-01-02 15:04" The default format of date time localhost The hostname
http.addr `` The http address
http.port 9000 The http port to listen on 0 The time in seconds to wait for a read to finish
http.timeout.write 0 The time in seconds to wait for a write to finish
httpmaxrequestsize 32M As implemented by the server engine
http.sslcert `` The SSL Certificate path
http.sslkey `` The SSL Key path
http.ssl `` True if HTTPS should be used
log.fatal.output stderr The output of fatal messages
log.error.output stderr The output of error messages
log.debug.output stderr The output of debug messages stderr The output of info messages
log.colorize true True if log output should be colorized false True if in dev mode
revel.cache.controller.stack 10 The number of user controller instances to precreate (each user instance gets a Controller instance injected into it during routing)
revel.cache.controller.maxstack 100 The number of instances to store and reuse
revel.controller.stack 100 The number of controller instances to precreate of Controllers
revel.controller.maxstack 200 The number of instances to store and reuse
results.compressed false Set to True if you want the compress filter to compress the results
results.chunked false Set to True if you want the results chunked on return
results.trim.html false Set to True if you want the results trimmed (whitespace removed)
results.pretty false Set to True if you want the JSON results or XML results prettified
server.context.stack 100 The number of instances to precreate of server response & request handlers
server.context.maxstack 200 The number of instances to store and reuse
server.form.stack 100 The number of instances to precreate of server multipart form objects
server.form.maxstack 200 The number of instances to store and reuse
server.engine go The Server Engine to use
server.request.max.multipart.filesize 32M The max file size that will be accepted via upload file
template.engines go The comma delimited list of template engines to use, the first engine in the list will be the default engine
watch.routes true Watch routes file for code changes
watch.templates true Watch template files for code changes


NewRelic Server Engine

Option Default Description My App Reporting name to newrelic
server.newrelic.license   Newrelic license
server.newrelic.addfilter true Inject the newrelic filter into revel.Filters automatically (or you can include it yourself by adding NewRelicFilter to your filter chain

FastHTTP Server Engine

Option Default Description
server.newrelic.license   Newrelic license

Ace Template Engine

Option Default Description
ace.template.path lower Change the template case to lower, valid values lower,case invalid values assume lower

Pongo2 Template Engine

Option Default Description
pongo2.template.path lower Change the template case to lower, valid values lower,case invalid values assume lower

Go Template Engine

Option Default Description
go.template.path lower Change the template case to lower, valid values lower,case invalid values assume lower
template.go.delimiters `` The template delimiter to use for all go templates

Jobs Engine

Option Default Description
jobs.pool 10 Number of jobs that can run at once
jobs.acceptproxyaddress false If true allow external proxy access for jobs page
jobs.selfconcurrent false Can a single job run multiple (concurrent) times
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