Revel Tool

revel version

  • Displays the Revel Framework and Go version.
    revel version

revel new [import_path] [skeleton]

Creates a few files to get a new Revel application running quickly.

  • Copies files from the skeleton/ directory
  • Under multi GOPATH scenario, Revel detects the current working directory with GOPATH and generates the project
  • Skeleton is an optional argument, provided as an alternate skeleton path
revel new

revel run [import_path] [run_mode] [port]

// run in dev mode
revel run

// run in prod mode on port 9999
revel run prod 9999

revel build [import_path] [target_path] [run_mode]

  • Build the Revel web application named by the given import path.
  • This allows it to be deployed and run on a machine that lacks a Go installation.
    revel build /path/to/deploy/mega-app prod
WARNING: The target path will be completely deleted, if it already exists!

revel package [import_path] [run_mode]

  • Build the Revel web application named by the given import path.
  • This allows it to be deployed and run on a machine that lacks a Go installation.
    revel package prod
    > Your archive is ready: chat.tar.gz
WARNING: The target path will be completely deleted, if it already exists!

revel clean [import_path]

  • Clean the Revel web application named by the given import path
  • Deletes the app/tmp directory.
  • Deletes the app/routes directory.
    revel clean

revel test [import_path] [run_mode] [suite.method]

  • Run all tests for the Revel app named by the given import path.
    revel test dev